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Blood Matters: From Brca1 to Designer Babies, How the World and I Found Ourselves in the Future of the Gene, Paperback/Masha Gessen - Mariner Books

Blood Matters: From Brca1 to Designer Babies, How the World and I Found Ourselves in the Future of the Gene, Paperback/Masha Gessen
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Masha Gessen discovered through genetic testing that she had the dreaded Brca1 genetic mutation--the same mutation made famous recently by Angelina Jolie, which predisposes women to ovarian and breast cancer.
Blood Matters is a much-needed.
As Gessen wrestled with a wrenching personal decision--what to do with such knowledge--she explored the landscape of a brave new world, speaking with others like her and with experts including medical researchers, historians, and religious thinkers.
Masha Gessen discovered through genetic testing that she had the dreaded Brca1 genetic mutation--the same mutation made famous recently by Angelina Jolie, which predisposes women to ovarian and breast cancer

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