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Natural Remedy for Keloid: What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You and Secret of Living a Keloid Free Life, Paperback/Daniels Ross Ph. D. - Independently Published

Natural Remedy for Keloid: What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You and Secret of Living a Keloid Free Life, Paperback/Daniels Ross Ph. D.
66 Lei


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Natural Remedy for Keloid is an easy to read book for anyone who is dealing with Keloid disorder.
If you are diagnosed with a keloid, or have been dealing with it for a long time, this book Will help.
The reader Will learn about simple treatment choices, how keloids should be treated, and most importantly about the treatments that are harmful and should be avoided.
This book discusses various aspects of this skin condition, and provides the reader with in depth understanding of this condition.
Natural Remedy for Keloid is an easy to read book for anyone who is dealing with Keloid disorder

Uneori, aceste descrieri pot contine inadvertente. De asemenea, imaginea este informativa si poate contine accesorii neincluse in pachetele standard.

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