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Ten Miles and Worlds Apart, Hardcover/Vivien Ferrars - Austin Macauley

Ten Miles and Worlds Apart, Hardcover/Vivien Ferrars
180 Lei


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In 1925, in a small church at the outskirts of Turin, Pier Venturi sings at mass each Sunday, his pure voice lending exquisite grace to the familiar litany of prayers.
With his eyes opened to the glittering life of the -gentry, his budding love for opera develops into a -burning desire f.
Pier\'s talents do not go unnoticed for long, and the day he rides his bicycle into the city centre for the first time, anxiously anticipating a place in the grand cathedral choir, his life changes forever.
In 1925, in a small church at the outskirts of Turin, Pier Venturi sings at mass each Sunday, his pure voice lending exquisite grace to the familiar litany of prayers

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