In this elegantly written and far-reaching narrative, acclaimed author Gerard Koeppel tells the astonishing story of the creation of the Erie Canal and the memorable characters who turned a visionary plan into a successful venture.
He lives in New York City..
He was an editor for many years at CBS News.
He has contributed to numerous other books, including the Encyclopedia of New York City , of which he was an associate editor.
About author(s): Gerard Koeppel is the author of Water for Gotham, Bond of Union , and City on a Grid .
Koeppel\'s long years of research fill the pages with new findings about the construction of the Canal and its enormous impact, providing a unique perspective on America\'s self perception as an Empire destined to expand to the Pacific.
In this elegantly written and far-reaching narrative, acclaimed author Gerard Koeppel tells the astonishing story of the creation of the Erie Canal and the memorable characters who turned a visionary plan into a successful venture