Dynavoice este unul dintre cei mai celebri producatori de boxe.
If you desire the deepest bass, we recommend that you complement the system whit an active subwoofer..
Put the speaker as front speakers in a smaller system and you will notice that the speakers have much higher capacity than a standard satellite speaker.
The pass ports are placed at the front in order to get a deep bass sound, but at the same time in order to be able to mount them right to the wall.
Whit the same elements as in M-65 and M-85, the sound match very precise.
The midrange / woofer are 5.25-inch and the tweeter below is 1-inch Super Audio.
It is just the same armament as the top of the M-65 and M-85.
Dynavoice Challenge S-5 EX is designed to match the Challenger M-65 and M-85 perfectly.
Dynavoice si Proson marci ale aceluiasi producator sunt produse care datorita calitatii lor atat din punct de vedere estetic cat si acustic au strans de-a lungul anilor multiple recenzii de 5 stele atat de la tehnicieni cat si utilizatori, sunetul boxelor sale fiind mult peste nivelul asteptariilor, sunet dinamic, precis, transparent, coerent si mai ales puternic sunt usor de recunoscut chiar si intr-un blind test Seria Challenger iese in evidenta ca urmare a tweeter-ului deosebit, facut, testat si conceput in laboratoarele Dynavoice Basul seriei denota forta si foarte mare precizie, mediile ajuta la o redare a vociilor exemplaraIn version 4, the S-5 EX redesigned with rounded corners to look even prettier on the wall ...
Localizati in Suedia, Dynavoice cu o atentie sporita asupra calitatii produselor sale, respectandu-si clientii, au conceput de-a lungul anilor produse cu cel mai bun raport pret-calitate.
Dynavoice este unul dintre cei mai celebri producatori de boxe