Marriage was God\'s idea.
Regresaron a Brasil en 2011 donde dan conferencias sobrerelaciones matrimoniales, adem s de ser los anfitriones del programa The Love School-A Escola do Amor , transmitido semanalmente en Rede Record..
Durante los siguientes veinte a os vivieron en tres pa ses ydieron conferencias en m s de treinta, siempre trabajando en el asesoramientode parejas y terapia de matrimonios.
About the Author: Renato y Cristiane Cardoso se casaron en 1991 y poco despu s se mudaron alos Estados Unidos.
If you have been wondering: Do I still love my husband/wife Did I marry the wrong person Why is my partner so cold to me Why do we love each other but can\'t stay together? How can I make sure my Marriage lasts? How can I live with a person who is so difficult? Why do our problems go away, but then come back worse than before? Is my Marriage always going to be about hardships, or will I find happiness one day? Cheer up You will learn how to love intelligently and how to be happy with your spouse, even if he (or she) acts like King Kong.
These problems will cause you to withdraw, even though you are married and were in love at one time.
In such ignorance, you will make many mistakes in your relationship and so cause many problems.
When you do not know another person it is impossible to love them because you do not know what pleases or annoys them, their dreams and struggles, or how they think.
A feeling, passion or some other influence brought them together, but they never learned how to study or explore each other, or discover what makes them happy.
Unfortunately, many couples never learned to love each other.
Furthermore, the Bible says "God is love ".
He decided that man and woman should be "one flesh".
Marriage was God\'s idea