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Cape Cod Bicycle War: And Other Stories, Paperback/Billy Kahora - Ohio University Press

Cape Cod Bicycle War: And Other Stories, Paperback/Billy Kahora
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Cumpara cape cod bicycle ohio university press de calitate.
Pe yeo poti sa gasesti cel mai bun pret pentru cape cod bicycle ohio university press

Each of the realistic worlds Billy Kahora brings us in the short Stories and novella that make up The Cape Cod Bicycle War and Other Stories explores the tensions and transitions of characters moving between youthful folly and a precarious adulthood.
In oth.
Sharing one house, they must also share, or rather compete for, bicycles--crucial transportation--which are in short supply.
In the title story, immigrant workers with varying ambitions work at a Wendy\'s in wintry Cape Cod.
Each of the realistic worlds Billy Kahora brings us in the short Stories and novella that make up The Cape Cod Bicycle War and Other Stories explores the tensions and transitions of characters moving between youthful folly and a precarious adulthood

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