Vinyl 2: Side ANorthern HemispheresOrdinary FolksDistant SpringFunky ChickenCode to the VaultTwo MermaidsRags to RichesSunriseRed & WhiteHeadfirst into the StormSide BBallad of the Libertine in G MinorLost in San MarinoRhodes RatMandag I StockholmMother of OneVielleicht SpaterBattle for LoveNight Life.
Vinyl 2: Side ANorthern HemispheresOrdinary FolksDistant SpringFunky ChickenCode to the VaultTwo MermaidsRags to RichesSunriseRed & WhiteHeadfirst into the StormSide BBallad of the Libertine in G MinorLost in San MarinoRhodes RatMandag I StockholmMother of OneVielleicht SpaterBattle for LoveNight Life