Got that post-baby mental fog and exhaustion? Just trying to do your best to make it through? The experience of motherhood is chaos! Especially in that first year! It\'s time to coordinate that chaos...
Imagine the content of the "What to Expect" series, with a holistic, personal touch! Stop surviving and start thriving today!. - Feel like a human again and have the energy to show up as the exceptional, nurturing mother you want to be. - Navigate the confusing world of sleep, nutrition, development, and immunity to help you and your baby thrive. - Enhance your connection to yourself, partner, and child.
Follow her simple method and regain your physical, mental, and spiritual strength to not only feel human again, but enhance the health of your growing child in the process! By the end of this book, you\'ll understand how to: - Balance your hormones naturally to find that emotional stability.
Christy Matusiak is a holistic physician who has treated hundreds of parents, babies, and children, and is a mom of 3 boys herself.
Falling behind on life, and losing yourself.
Surrounded by people, but feel alone.
You\'re overwhelmed with information, but lack resources.
OVERCOME THE POSTPARTUM SLUMP AND BECOME THE MOM YOUR BABY DESERVES! A new baby can have you question your sanity, humanity, and functionality.
Got that post-baby mental fog and exhaustion? Just trying to do your best to make it through? The experience of motherhood is chaos! Especially in that first year! It\'s time to coordinate that chaos..