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Deconstructing Dr. Strangelove: The Secret History of Nuclear War Films, Hardcover/Sean M. Maloney - Potomac Books

Deconstructing Dr. Strangelove: The Secret History of Nuclear War Films, Hardcover/Sean M. Maloney
345.99 Lei


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King of the Cold War crisis film, Dr.
Strangelove and other genre classics like Fail Safe and The Bedford Incident to investig.
Maloney uses Dr.
Sean M.
Subsequent generations, removed from the film\'s historical moment, came to view it as a quasi-documentary about an unfathomable Secret world.
The duck-and-cover generation saw it as a satire on Nuclear issues and Cold War thinking.
Strangelove became a cultural touchstone from the moment of its release in 1964.
King of the Cold War crisis film, Dr

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