What if your Human nature was more that you think it is? What is the mirror effect, and how does it help you to evolve the Human Race game? How do you know if you are being a conscious creator in your world? Evolving the Human Race Game: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective provides a Spiritual framework for Evolving one\'s consciousness as it relates to what author Carroy Ferguson calls the "Human Race game." Beyond family members, most of us wonder why different and/or sp.
What if your Human nature was more that you think it is? What is the mirror effect, and how does it help you to evolve the Human Race game? How do you know if you are being a conscious creator in your world? Evolving the Human Race Game: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective provides a Spiritual framework for Evolving one\'s consciousness as it relates to what author Carroy Ferguson calls the "Human Race game." Beyond family members, most of us wonder why different and/or sp