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Flags of Countries Around the World: A Children\'s Picture Book about the Different Flags Around the World, Paperback/Melissa Ackerman - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Flags of Countries Around the World: A Children\'s Picture Book about the Different Flags Around the World, Paperback/Melissa Ackerman
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Do you know that the flag of Switzerland is square in shape and not rectangular? It is one of the only two square Flags in the world, the other being the flag of Vatican City.
A flag is a country\'s national symbol.
The Flags you see representing Different Countries are more than a piece of fabric.
And do you also know that the flag of Nepal is neither square nor rectangle? The national flag of Nepal is a combination of two triangle-shaped Flags colored in crimson red and bordered by blue.
Do you know that the flag of Switzerland is square in shape and not rectangular? It is one of the only two square Flags in the world, the other being the flag of Vatican City

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