What if you had walked beside the Virgin Mary from the Annunciation to the point at which she and Joseph found Jesus in the temple? How might seeing Christ as a child impact you and your faith? WINE: Women In the New Evangelization offers its second, six-week scripture study, this time following the infancy and early years of Christ as seen Through the Eyes of Mary and other familiar and imagined Women in the gospels.
Founder Kelly Wahlquist and ten other members of WINE.
What if you had walked beside the Virgin Mary from the Annunciation to the point at which she and Joseph found Jesus in the temple? How might seeing Christ as a child impact you and your faith? WINE: Women In the New Evangelization offers its second, six-week scripture study, this time following the infancy and early years of Christ as seen Through the Eyes of Mary and other familiar and imagined Women in the gospels