In this gripping and poignant tale, Catherine Finley leaves her dream job and the heartbreak of a failed relationship to take a new position closer to her ailing father, Douglas.
The novel\'s lyric prose conveys the power of memory to shape and redefine struggles with faith, self-doubt, and love lost..
Nancy Allen \'s Grace is a stirring investigation of sexual politics and women\'s tenuous relationship with power.
Catherine\'s professional and personal worlds collide as she discovers the College\'s secrets are woven into her father\'s story.
A web of memories reveals Douglas\'s meaningful romance in the 1960s with Grace , a pioneer in the Civil Rights Movement, and his disappointment that social justice promised during that turbulent time was never fully realized.
Catherine seeks refuge in visits to her father\'s shore home, but powerful memories unsettle her.
When she becomes his latest victim, she finds herself in conflict with the college\'s female president who will do anything to protect its secrets.
As the undergraduate dean at Franklin College, she quickly discovers the history of her boss\'s sexual abuse.
In this gripping and poignant tale, Catherine Finley leaves her dream job and the heartbreak of a failed relationship to take a new position closer to her ailing father, Douglas