Emotiva, conmovedora, diferente...
Who hasn\'t at one point wished they were invisible? Who hasn\'t wanted to stop being invisible? The problem is that I have never been able to control that power: Sometimes, when I mostly felt a desire to be invisible, it was when more people saw me, on the other hand, when I wanted everyone to see me, it was when my body decided to disappear..
Through a child\'s eyes, Invisible tells a story that could be that of any one of us.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Moving, emotional, different ...
Qui n no ha deseado alguna vez ser invisible? Qui n no ha deseado alguna vez dejar de serlo? El problema es que nunca he llegado a controlar bien ese poder: A veces, cuando m s ganas ten a de ser invisible, era cuando m s gente me ve a, y en cambio, cuando deseaba que todos me vieran, era cuando a mi cuerpo le daba por desaparecer.
Invisible narra, a trav s de los ojos de un ni o, una historia que podr a ser la de cualquiera de nosotros.
Emotiva, conmovedora, diferente..