Phedre was trained as a spy, courtesan and strategist under her tutor\'s watchful eye. .. .
One masterminded by the one person she can\'t deny.
To do her duty, Phedre must again leave her homeland - only to uncover an earth-shattering plot.
Those who want others on the throne and aren\'t done with schemes for power and revenge.
For while their young queen is beloved by her people, traitors remain.
Above all, he taught Phedre to observe and analyse - skills that may yet save her life.
Once before, Phedre sacrificed everything to save her country, but the gods still cast a shadow over her land.
He also saw she\'d been touched by the god Kushiel\'s dart, Chosen to experience pain and pleasure as one.
Phedre was trained as a spy, courtesan and strategist under her tutor\'s watchful eye