Lost Souls of Lakewood is a must read for anyone with an interest in history, Mystery or ghosts.....
From First Nation hunters, Hudson Bay Company workers, two mayors, freemasons, and a Civil War hero to a smooth-talking, high-rolling con man from California, veteran Canadian writer Charlie Hodge brings to life a variety of real and fictional characters and their common denominator in Lost Souls of Lakewood - The History and Mystery of Blaylock\'s Mansion It features several spellbinding tales within the main story, each one worthy of its own novel.
Some of them never left.
A number of fascinating characters also resided there before and after him.
Blaylock was not the only unique, larger-than-real-life character to live in the Mansion or on the large property known as Lakewood.
Many believed Selwyn to be a haunted man.
The controversial death of union organizer Ginger Goodwin remains linked to Blaylock, as does his role in \'the bomb\' dropped on Japan.
Some might suggest guilt.
His life carried the great weight of expectation and demand, blended with responsibility and accountability.
Yet Blaylock was to pay a price in several ways.
During the next three decades his meteoric rise to President of Consolidated Mining and Smelting (later known as Cominco) had tremendous impact around the world.
In 1899 the young metallurgist graduated from Quebec\'s McGill University and ventured to Trail, B.
Blaylock learned all about harsh and spectacular things.
Selwyn G.
Surrounded by spellbinding gardens and majestic trees, the 16,000-square-foot Tudor-Revival style architecture deep in the harsh, spectacular mountains of southeastern British Columbia captures the eye and the imagination.
WHO ARE THEY? WHY ARE THEY THERE? Straight out of a fairy tale or thriller movie, Blaylock\'s Mansion leaps into stunning view as one traverses a gentle curve in the road.