Description A chance encounter between girls weaves a new tale...
Recurring dreams of an unfamiliar girl draw Iroha Tamaki to Kamihama City, the last place she visited before the dreams began.
Can Iroha survive in Kamihama long enough to uncover the secrets within? A new Story unfolds in this manga adaptation of the mobile game About the Author Magica Quartet is a team formed of members of anime production studios SHAFT and Aniplex who came together to create "Puella Magi Madoka Magica." Members include Iwakami Atsuhiro, Akiyuki Shinbo, Gen Urobuchi, and Ume Aoki, who is also the creator behind "Sunshine Sketch.".
Still, even as an experienced magical girl, the witches in this city are far more powerful than anything she\'s encountered back home.
Her only clue is a tiny Kyubey, which she aims to catch in the hope it will provide answers about the dreams and the heartache she feels each time they fade.
Description A chance encounter between girls weaves a new tale...
Recurring dreams of an unfamiliar girl draw Iroha Tamaki to Kamihama City, the last place she visited before the dreams began