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Micro Sistem Stereo Denon RCD-M41DAB - Denon

Micro Sistem Stereo Denon RCD-M41DAB
1799 Lei


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Acest produs se livreaza fara boxe!Micro HiFi CD Receiver with Bluetooth and FM/DAB/DAB+ TunerOverviewBuilding on the multi-award winning RCD-M40DAB, the new RCD-M41DAB features improved sound, style and facilities.
Add the SC-M41 speakers and you will get the full D-M41DAB system for best HiFi sound..
The RCD-M41DAB has two digital optical inputs to hook up a TV, set-top box or other digital gear that deserves improved audio quality, and has built-in CD plus FM radio DAB/DAB+.
Meanwhile the new cosmetic design echoes that of Denon\'s flagship \'NE\' separates.
The newly-developed discrete analogue amplifier circuit reduces signal paths for greater clarity and impact, while the new Bluetooth implementation combines convenience with an off switch to reduce its influence on the sound of other sources when not in use.
Acest produs se livreaza fara boxe!Micro HiFi CD Receiver with Bluetooth and FM/DAB/DAB+ TunerOverviewBuilding on the multi-award winning RCD-M40DAB, the new RCD-M41DAB features improved sound, style and facilities

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