Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series! A new school year means new lessons, new friends, and new...rivals? When rumors about the infamous Grim Reaper reach the ears of a self-proclaimed witch, will Nishimura meet her gloomy match? Later, what will Adachi do when she spies Hino getting chummy with a taller, prettier classmate? And how will Takada react when he receives a heartfelt love letter--not from Nishimura, not from Kasahara, but from a girl he\'s never met? Sixth grade is off to a rousing start!.
Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series! A new school year means new lessons, new friends, and new...rivals? When rumors about the infamous Grim Reaper reach the ears of a self-proclaimed witch, will Nishimura meet her gloomy match? Later, what will Adachi do when she spies Hino getting chummy with a taller, prettier classmate? And how will Takada react when he receives a heartfelt love letter--not from Nishimura, not from Kasahara, but from a girl he\'s never met? Sixth grade is off to a rousing start!