Have you heard of a Spiritual awakening? Do you believe in intuition? Take a Spiritual dive into this treatise with Nicole Marie Castillo.
Nicole works in the healthcare profession as she applies her Associates of Science degree as a Medical Assistant..
As she educates the public on her journey and strong intuition abilities & experiences.
As a Spiritual lightworker, her goal is to evolve and prove spirituality does exist on Earth.
She is internationally known for her strong subconscious intuition, connected to her dreams and artwork.
She is a known Tarot card advisor, Artist and has been proven to connect with spirit.
About author(s): Nicole Marie Castillo is living proof of a Spiritual awakening.
Nicole highlights her duties as a Spiritual lightworker and proves the existence of spirituality on Earth.
Goes into detail regarding different types of clair abilities and much more.
She introduces the 12 Universal laws.
This treatise defines intuition and how it is connected to our actual human body.
As she goes into enlightened detail how she survived a proven intense Spiritual awakening.
Have you heard of a Spiritual awakening? Do you believe in intuition? Take a Spiritual dive into this treatise with Nicole Marie Castillo