By the Windham Campbell Prize winner Set in a beautifully rendered 1990s Cape Town, Zo Wicomb\'s celebrated novel revolves around Marion Campbell, who runs a travel agency but hates traveling, and who, in post-apartheid society, must negotiate the complexities of a knotty relationship with Brenda, her first black employee.
As Alison McCulloch noted in the New York Times , "Wicomb deftly explores the ghastly soup of racism in all its unglory--denial, tradition, habit, stupidit.
By the Windham Campbell Prize winner Set in a beautifully rendered 1990s Cape Town, Zo Wicomb\'s celebrated novel revolves around Marion Campbell, who runs a travel agency but hates traveling, and who, in post-apartheid society, must negotiate the complexities of a knotty relationship with Brenda, her first black employee