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Reasons to Be Hopeful: What Remains Consoling, Inspiring and Beautiful - The School Of Life - The School Of Life

Reasons to Be Hopeful: What Remains Consoling, Inspiring and Beautiful - The School Of Life
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Cumpara reasons to be the school of life de calitate.
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An exploration of the many Reasons to remain hopeful in the face of life\'s disappointments and challenges.
A HIGHLY RELATABLE BOOK: that offers comfort and support in our darker moments, while guiding us towards an optimistic future..
ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT: with a vibrant mix of artworks, photography and illustration.
HOPEFULNESS FOR PESSIMISTS: an honest and accessible guide to navigate us through the darkness to light.
A TOOL TO ASSIST US IN OUR SEARCH FOR A REASON TO BE: the book is an eclectic collection of short essays on wide-ranging subjects, from an extraordinary encounter between Mick Jagger and an unfamiliar Jesuit priest to the escapism found in Iranian cinema.
At points funny and always encouraging and kind, here is an ideal friend to guide us back to courage and delight.
In a tone that avoids the pitfalls of sentimentality and cynicism, the book urges us to reconnect with our more resilient selves, bidding us to recover faith in What is still possible.
Across a series of essays, we learn why we still have the right to feel purposeful and buoyant despite everything that is challenging: because there is still so much more to discover, because love can triumph sometimes, because we can delight in summer days and the light of dawn, because we are not alone in our suffering, because we are never far from the option of a slice of cake or a bath, because we are very small things in a mighty and Beautiful universe and because we don\'t require perfection for things to feel good enough.
Here is a collection of some of the most persuasive arguments for staying on the side of optimism, creativity, kindness, calm and hope.
In a world that isn\'t short of darkness, there could be few more urgent priorities than to spend time rehearsing for ourselves why Life - despite all its challenges - still has so much to offer us; why there are still so many Reasons to be hopeful.
An exploration of the many Reasons to remain hopeful in the face of life\'s disappointments and challenges

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