Symptoms of this relaxation can include varicose veins.
When it is deficient, tissue fiber loses its elasticity.
Carey identifies the salt fluoride of lime (or calcium fluoride) as the most important salt for the Cancer.
This is represented by the crab, who has both a tight grip and carries its house along wherever it goes in order that it may be sure of a dwelling.
For example, those born between June 21st and July 22nd under the sign of Cancer exhibit tenacity...in holding onto home or dwelling place.
Carey describes the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, including their characteristics and the cell-Salts that he recommends to cure the diseases of each.
But which cell-Salts are we deficient in? That may well depend on the position of the sun at our birth - or our Zodiac signs.
Just as the cure for a shadow is to introduce light, the cure for maladies of the human Body is to introduce some vital element for the nourishing of our blood and organs.
Carey explains that all maladies are due to a deficiency in some necessary chemical, or cell-salt.
In this short volume, Dr.
Carey\'s contribution to a larger two-part work titled The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation.
Relation is Dr.
Perry several times before his death in 1924.
Carey collaborated with Ms.
Published posthumously in 1932, this work was co-written with Inez E.
Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac expands on this idea and ties these chemical needs to the Zodiac.
Carey originated the idea that the human Body is a chemical formula in operation, and without each chemical in the correct amount, the formula will no longer create the desired effect - a healthy and vibrant person.
In The Chemistry of Human Life (1919), Dr.
These works are still popular in New Age circles.
Carey is perhaps best known for his Chemistry of Life publications, released in the 1910s.
Carey expounds on further in Relation of Mineral Salts.
Schü ler was the first to identify the twelve cell-salts, which Dr.
Carey\'s work was greatly influenced by the experiments of another contemporary doctor, Wilhelm Heinrich Schü ler.
Carey\'s unique blend of chemistry, physiology, religion, and astrology has made him a popular writer in homeopathic circles since the early 20th century.
George Washington Carey\'s 1932 work Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac unites homeopathy and astrology to explain both the causes and cures of human disease.