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Stress Management for Women: Get Rid of Stress and Anxiety for Life (Simple Solutions to Start Now to Live a Stress Free Life)/Daniel Lehmann - Tomas Edwards

Stress Management for Women: Get Rid of Stress and Anxiety for Life (Simple Solutions to Start Now to Live a Stress Free Life)/Daniel Lehmann
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There are times when you will get angry because so much has come upon you and it seems to be overwhelming. - Stress discovery and evolution - Causes, symptoms, and impact of Stress - Some of the odds signs of Stress - Looking at Stress through the Life cycle - Handling and Management of Stress It.
Here is a preview of what you\'ll learn...
You feel overpowered to do anything so it\'s easy for you to get into worrying about things that you can\'t control.
There are times when you will get angry because so much has come upon you and it seems to be overwhelming

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