These open-and-learn textbooks guide students through each topic.
The books are so well organized and the content builds from one lesson to the next.
We are really impressed and grateful for our boys\' understanding of what the Math means, not just how to get problems right...we should all learn to understand Math this way.
As the mother of a teenage daughter who previously had occasional difficulty in math, it was refreshing to watch her actually enjoy her Math class and to un.
They are the stepping stones of what it takes to think like a mathematician...
I really enjoy learning from these books...they clearly demonstrate how concepts are built over other concepts.
You don\'t just memorize, you actually understand it.
Parent testimonials: Summit Math Books not only helped my daughter learn the math, they helped her to love learning Math in and of itself! Summit Math books have a fun, self-paced way to explain Math concepts...
I am absolutely thrilled with this Math program.
It doesn\'t matter how you learn or what speed you go can learn at your own pace while still understanding all the material.
Summit Math Books have guided me through algebra.
This Book builds on Algebra 1: Books 5 and 6 and Algebra 2: Book 3.
Student testimonials: This is the best way to learn math.
Summit Math books are unlike typical textbooks.
They will also learn how to solve 3-variable Systems of Equations and then use this skill to find the equation of a parabola when they know 3 points on the parabola.
Students will then apply what they have learned about factoring as they solve nonLinear Systems of equations.
Linear inequalities are also included in this book.
They will use the strategies of substitution and elimination to solve word problems that involve Systems of Linear equations.
The videos are available through a subscription ($9.99/month).
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Topics in this book: Review graphing systems, substitution, and eliminationScenarios involving Linear systemsSystems of Linear inequalitiesNonLinear systemsSystems with 3 variablesWriting the equation for a parabola, given 3 pointsCumulative ReviewAnswer KeyBook description: In this book, students review what they learned about solving Systems of Linear Equations in the Algebra 1 course.
Students can also use these books to learn Math at home with help from teaching videos on the Summit Math website.
They are written to help students learn at different paces in a classroom setting.
These open-and-learn textbooks guide students through each topic