Description This Workbook will give students extensive Practice completing Revising and Editing tasks.
Extensive Revising and Editing Practice - Provides Practice Revising to improve Writing and Editing to correct errors - Revising tasks cover focus, organization, sentence structure, transitions, word use, strong word choices, and more - Editing tasks cover grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling - Covers the skills listed in the Writing section of the TEKS Provides Ongoing Skill Development and Practice - 15 convenient Practice sets allow for ongoing skill development - Each Practice set contains a full-length example of student Writing with errors and opportunities for improvement - Each set includes both Revising and Editing tasks - Editing tasks require students to identify and correct errors in grammar, language, usage, and Writing conventions - Revising tasks require students to improve the passage by adding sentences, combining sentences, reWriting sentences, choosing stronger words, adding or replacing transition words or phrases, and more - Format allows for review and feedback after each set - Develops the skills required for the Revising and Editing tasks on the Staar Writing tests Key Benefits - Provides extensive experience completing Revising and Editing tasks - Identifying errors in context improves language and vocabulary skills - Develops and improves Writing skills - Helps ensure student Writing follows standard Writing conventions - Prepares students for the Revising and Editing tasks on the Staar Writing tests - Improves performance on the Writing tasks on the Staar tests.
This Workbook will develop and improve Writing skills, as well as prepare students for the Revising and Editing tasks on the Staar Writing tests.
Each passage is followed by multiple choice questions that require students to improve the passage or to correct an error.
Students will read full-length examples of student Writing that contain errors.
Description This Workbook will give students extensive Practice completing Revising and Editing tasks