In The Blue Book of Freedom,"" R. * Democratic freedom is a method of nonviolence and an antidote to war."". * To do away with famine, mass impoverishment, Democide (the murder by a government of its own people), and war, promote freedom. * The less free the people in any two nations are, the bloodier and more destructive any war between them will be. * The more freedom a people enjoy, the less likely their government will murder them. * Where people are free, political violence is minimal. * Free people never have famine.
The main points are: * Freedom is the way to economic and human security. ""The Blue Book of Freedom"" presents the results of his work in everyday language.
A student of war and peace for more than forty years, he has learned that democratic freedom provides a solution to the evils that have plagued mankind.
Rummel asserts that democracy is the solution to the scourges that face the world.
In The Blue Book of Freedom,"" R