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The Devil\'s Crown: Key to the mysteries of Robert Cochrane\'s Craft, Hardcover/Shani Oates - Mandrake of Oxford

The Devil\'s Crown: Key to the mysteries of Robert Cochrane\'s Craft, Hardcover/Shani Oates
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Cumpara the devil\'s crown: mandrake of oxford de calitate.
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"The Devil\'s Crown is the accolade of genius, awarded to poets, and leaders of men who would speak in riddles and puns the wisdom of ages.
His letters and works now collated finally into a single volume - The S.
It is the arcane mark of the \'other.\' This book illuminates some of that light, sharing insights to the precious mysteries of the Robert Cochrane Tradition.
Whether Scop or Skald, the words inspired by the Muse live on in vibrant tradition under the shining aureole of the Holy Fool. "The Devil\'s Crown is the accolade of genius, awarded to poets, and leaders of men who would speak in riddles and puns the wisdom of ages

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