"The government in the past created one American Dream at the expense of almost all others: the Dream of a house, a lawn, a picket fence, two children, and a car. - We want out of our cars As the price of oil.
Thus, the good schools and family-friendly lifestyle the suburbs promised are increasingly unnecessary.
Consider some of the forces at work: - The nuclear family is no more: Our marriage and birth rates are steadily declining, while the single-person households are on the rise.
Not all suburbs are going to vanish, of course, but Gallagher\'s research and reporting show the trends are undeniable.
Along the way she shows why suburbia was unsustainable from the start and explores the hundreds of new, alternative communities that are springing up around the country and promise to reshape our way of life for the better.
In The End of the Suburbs journalist Leigh Gallagher traces the rise and fall of American suburbia from the stately railroad suburbs that sprung up outside American cities in the 19th and early 20th centuries to current-day sprawling exurbs Where residents spend as much as four hours each day commuting.
An epic housing crisis revealed existing problems with this unique pattern of development, while the steady pull of long-simmering economic, societal and demographic forces has culminated in a Perfect Storm that has led to a profound shift in the way we desire to live.
But in recent years things have started to change.
Before long, success became synonymous with a private home in a bedroom community complete with a yard, a two-car garage and a commute to the office, and subdivisions quickly blanketed our landscape.
As the middle class ballooned and single-family homes and cars became more affordable, we flocked to pre-fabricated communities in the suburbs, a place Where open air and solitude offered a retreat from our dense, polluted cities.
But there is no single American Dream anymore." For nearly 70 years, the suburbs were as American as apple pie. "The government in the past created one American Dream at the expense of almost all others: the Dream of a house, a lawn, a picket fence, two children, and a car