The Immortal Science is a tale of a Shiva and Adi-Sakti, who emerged from Singularity as a pre-destined meet to love and to create the universe.
The book is based on the chronology of the universe according to Vedic Science in which mass, energy, space and time are the result of Anahad Naada, which is called \'Big Bang\' by modern science.
Vedic science narrates the cause of Big Bang and also the stage before the Big Bang, i.e.
Anahad Naada, phase of inflation in the form of Maha.
The Immortal Science is a tale of a Shiva and Adi-Sakti, who emerged from Singularity as a pre-destined meet to love and to create the universe.
The book is based on the chronology of the universe according to Vedic Science in which mass, energy, space and time are the result of Anahad Naada, which is called \'Big Bang\' by modern science.
Vedic science narrates the cause of Big Bang and also the stage before the Big Bang, i.e