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The Lady and the Mountain Man: Isabella Bird, Rocky Mountain Jim, and Their Unlikely Friendship - Chris Enss - Chris Enss

The Lady and the Mountain Man: Isabella Bird, Rocky Mountain Jim, and Their Unlikely Friendship - Chris Enss
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Chris Enss is a New York Times best selling author who has been writing about women of the Old West for more than twenty years.
Enss\'s most recent work is According to Kate: The Legendary Life of Big Nose Kate Elder, Love of Doc Holliday..
Her book The Pinks: The First Women Detectives, Operatives, and Spies with the Pinkerton National Detective Agency has been optioned by NBC is currently in development to become a television series.
Her work has been honored with five Will Rogers Medallion Awards, an Elmer Kelton Book Award, an Oklahoma Center for the Book Award, and was a Western Writers of America Spur Finalist.
She has penned more than forty published books on the subject.
Chris Enss is a New York Times best selling author who has been writing about women of the Old West for more than twenty years

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