Since the death of his twin brother, Oliver\'s caught between pleasing his fans and finding himself.
They find solace together, but can their love withstand the world?.
However, they hold an unshakable hope for healing.
Emery helps Oliver lose the crowd, and they find themselves alone: two people whose paths are marked with loss and pain.
He could have walked into any bar in California, but he walked into hers.
Also in hot pursuit are the paparazzi, who catch Oliver at his lowest low.
Apparently he isn\'t very good at it; they follow him wherever he goes.
Reeling from the death of his twin brother and bandmate, rock star Oliver Smith is trying to drink his problems away.
With no one to help them―no support system―any unexpected expense or late bill could turn their whole world upside down.
Raising her daughter is both her pleasure and her pain as she struggles to hold on to her job as a bartender and keep a roof over their heads.
Emery has never felt more alone.
Emery finds him first.
Since the death of his twin brother, Oliver\'s caught between pleasing his fans and finding himself