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The Way We Work: Getting to Know the Amazing Human Body, Hardcover/David Macaulay - Houghton Mifflin

The Way We Work: Getting to Know the Amazing Human Body, Hardcover/David Macaulay
177 Lei


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In this comprehensive and entertaining resource, David Macaulay reveals the inner workings of the Human Body as only he could.
He observed numerous surgeries, including a ten-hour procedure where a diseased pancreas was removed, as well as one where a.
He sat in on anatomy classes, dissections, and even reached inside the rib cages of two cadavers to compare their spleen sizes.
In order to present this complicated subject in an accurate and entertaining way, he put in years of research.
In this comprehensive and entertaining resource, David Macaulay reveals the inner workings of the Human Body as only he could

Uneori, aceste descrieri pot contine inadvertente. De asemenea, imaginea este informativa si poate contine accesorii neincluse in pachetele standard.

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