SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR * HENRY IV * THE MOUNTAIN GIANTS Pirandello ranks with Strindberg, Brecht, and Beckett as a seminal figure in modern drama.
Anthony Mortimer's lively and performable translations remain scrupulously faithful to the letter and spirit of the originals..
This new edition includes Pirandello's important Preface to Six Characters, an essential critical document for understanding the play that made him famous.
The play reflects its author's growing anxiety about the function of art under a fascist regime.
The Mountain Giants is Pirandello's last, unfinished masterpiece, in which he moves towards the mythical, and make-believe and real life once more become entangled.
In the brilliant Henry IV, a young man believes himself to be the Holy Roman Emperor; attempts to cure him of his delusion have disastrous consequences.
In his best known play, six characters, imagined but then abandoned by their author, intrude on the rehearsals of a provincial theatre company in an attempt to play out their family drama.
Innovative and influential, he broke decisively with the conventions of realist theatre to foreground the tensions between art and reality.
SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR * HENRY IV * THE MOUNTAIN GIANTS Pirandello ranks with Strindberg, Brecht, and Beckett as a seminal figure in modern drama