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Timothy; Or, Notes of an Abject Reptile, Paperback/Verlyn Klinkenborg - Vintage

Timothy; Or, Notes of an Abject Reptile, Paperback/Verlyn Klinkenborg
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Few writers have attempted to explore the natural history of a particular animal by adopting the animal\'s own sensibility.
He lives in upstate New York..
A member of the editorial board of The New York Times, Klinkenborghas been published in The New Yorker, Harper\'s, Esquire, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Mother Jones, and The New York Times Magazine, among other publications.
About the Author: Verlyn Klinkenborg is the author of Making Hay, The Rural Life, and The Last Fine Time.
Wry and wise, unexpectedly moving and enchanting at every-careful-turn, Timothy surprises and delights.
Here Klinkenborg gives the tortoise an unforgettable voice and keen powers of observation on both human and natural affairs.
For thirteen years, Timothy lived in White\'s garden.
But Verlyn Klinkenborg has done just that in Timothy an insightful and utterly engaging story of the world\'s most famous tortoise, whose real life was observed by the eighteenth-century English curate and naturalist Gilbert White.
Few writers have attempted to explore the natural history of a particular animal by adopting the animal\'s own sensibility

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