Description During the 1950s, the people of Czechoslovakia and other Soviet Bloc countries were locked away from the rest of the world and not allowed the freedoms and rights of Western society.
She currently spends time in Horwich and Slovakia with her husband Peter and their children..
She holds a Bachelor and Master\'s Degree from Texas Tech University and is periodically a University Tutor for the English Language Centre at the University of Liverpool.
About the Author Catherine Siska was born and raised in Midland, Texas.
Can Pavol maintain his professional life along with his faith? Then, a chance meeting with an American girl named Katie changes Pavol\'s life forever.
Despite the fact that he must go along with Marxism and Leninism in academia, Pavol becomes a university professor as well as an active dissident in the underground church where he meets people like Jan Korec, a secret Jesuit bishop.
Their youngest son, Pavol, is born into these circumstances and grows up behind the Iron Curtain.
Her husband, Jozefan outspoken peasantis imprisoned for a short period of time and loses his job.
In a small village in Czechoslovakia, Zuzana Tesarova must survive under this communist system that wants to restrict her family\'s religious freedom and speech.
However, chinks were made in that Iron Curtain by courageous people who refused to let go of their faith, values, and love until, finally, that oppressive system fell down.
Description During the 1950s, the people of Czechoslovakia and other Soviet Bloc countries were locked away from the rest of the world and not allowed the freedoms and rights of Western society