When you are in the midst of toxicity you are in a cloud of haze.
To calm the tornado of emotions within to truly set myself free..
I had to find the master within myself.
I\'ve always been someone who focuses on the good and for me writing about my experiences turned my betrayals, traumas and things that needed to be healed within me into something beautiful.
My Poetic thoughts are about my painful and beautiful experiences.
There was no quick fix, this was a daily conscious effort on my part.
I survived because at the core of me I knew who I was and what I stand for ...which is peace, love, acceptance, freedom.
Everything that was done to me was done in the dark and hidden.
I was externally attacked.
To this day if I told you what I experienced you would say it was a horror sci-fi movie.
My rock bottom nearly killed me.
When you are in the midst of toxicity you are in a cloud of haze