100 Skills of the Successful Sales Professional prioritizes action-orientation and puts antiquated outlines out to pasture.
Alex is driven by the overarching mindset that "there has to be a better way" and an individual can be the impetus, spearhead or advocate to drive that better path forward..
Alex is the co-founder of the college to Career skill development program, Commence.
Alex is a former Sales manager and outside field Sales producer at Oracle where he was the first person to attain both positions prior to age 25.
About author(s): Alex Dripchak is a senior Sales professional at the perennial #1 HR & Talent consulting leader, Mercer.
If you\'re conscientious about making the biggest impact in Your professional Career by taking action to minimize the long learning (and earning) curve, then this is the playbook for you.
The book is designed to not only curate the best expert teachings, but it also consolidates these teachings to maximize the value extracted from every page. 100 Skills of the Successful Sales Professional prioritizes action-orientation and puts antiquated outlines out to pasture