Solve Chess problems and improve your Chess tactical skills.
The following 500 problems are progressive, they should allow you to reach a new level in your progression..
To improve your tactical sense, it is necessary to practice regularly to Solve diagrams such as those presented in this series.
To do this, it often uses attacks such as fork, pinning, deflection, overload, sacrifice, etc.
In general, the tactic is for checkMate or material gain.
The tactic usually involves few, but incisive shots.
On the contrary, the tactic is a short-term operation that contributes to the achievement of the strategy.
The strategy is a general plan that requires many moves to be realized.
Any strategy, patiently built, can be instantly ruined by a tactical move.
In chess, tactical play is crucial.
By practicing day after day, they will progress, in a certain way, using the best tactical schemes.
This book of Chess problems will certainly be of great benefit to regular players.
Solve Chess problems and improve your Chess tactical skills