Description What is the key to happiness in later life? Since the time of the ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, the human race has questioned and written about what makes us happy.
This valuable and well-informed insight into happiness in later life leaves the reader With little doubt that the post-65 Years can indeed be Your best..
Importantly, this book also asks, and answers, what role governments and our social institutions play in bringing about happiness.
Bowden reflects on our many and differing views of life after retirement and finds Lessons that can also contribute to our happiness in earlier years.
Drawing on three sources, the Lessons of history, a survey of 150 People aged over 65 and the findings of the present-day positive psychologists, this book analyses and considers what it means to be in happy in later life and how it can be achieved.
But With the rise of life expectancy and rapidly ageing populations, happiness in later life has become a major topic of debate.
Description What is the key to happiness in later life? Since the time of the ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, the human race has questioned and written about what makes us happy