A dad was washing his car with his son until the son said, Dad, can you please just use a sponge? Unleash the dadliest force known to man: dad jokes.
Why hold back? Give your family and friends their Daily Dose of dad jokes.
Family friendly -These dad jokes are safe for the bar or breakfast table, so you can share them all-the good, the dad, and the ugly.
Keep \'em coming -Day after day, drop new witticisms on anyone within hearing range: kids, spouses, colleagues, unsuspecting neighbors...
That\'s what makes them awesome.
Seriously, they\'re awful.
A Daily Dose of Dad Jokes includes: So bad, they\'re good -Nobody ever said dad jokes were good.
Dude Dad) offer enough of their top-quality, best-worst puns, quips, one-liners, and made-up stories to last you an entire year.
Harmon and Taylor Calmus (a.k.a.
Master jokesters Peter L.
A Daily Dose of Dad Jokes is packed with 365 jokes to make you groan-and then make you smile.
A dad was washing his car with his son until the son said, Dad, can you please just use a sponge? Unleash the dadliest force known to man: dad jokes