Set in the Appalachian mountains, A Dog\'s Way Home is the heartwarming contemporary story of a spirited 11-year-old, her faithful Sheltie, and their determination to find one another after an accident separates them.
Without even thinking, I say, Mine is Tam..
Mine is music.
Will they ever find their way Home to each other? Daddy says, Most folks got a north star in their life--something that gives their life extra meaning.
As the days between them turn to weeks, then months, dangers and changes fill up Abby\'s and Tam\'s lives.
But when an accident separates Abby and Tam, it feels as though all the stars have fallen out of the sky and nothing will ever be right again.
Abby knows that Tam, her Shetland sheepdog, is her north star, and she\'s pretty certain she\'s his, too.
Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, A Dog\'s Way Home is an unforgettable tale of the many miles, months, and mountains that divide two loyal friends--but that can\'t possibly keep them apart.
Set in the Appalachian mountains, A Dog\'s Way Home is the heartwarming contemporary story of a spirited 11-year-old, her faithful Sheltie, and their determination to find one another after an accident separates them