Fifteen years ago a young girl named Moonlight Smith went to her best friend Nicky Nowak\'s house for a sleepover.
Yet behind that fa ade lies a woman whose heart has closed so tightly against human relationships that she comes to Trafalgar trailing in her wake a terrifying threat to another innocent family.....
Nicky Nowak lives in Vancouver and has grown up to be gorgeous, charming, and elegant.
Her son Kyle haunts the streets of Trafalgar at night and spends his days creating beautiful, but highly troubling, art.
Nowak is an empty shell of a woman, dressed in pajamas, never leaving the house.
He finds a family shattered beyond recognition.
The ID isn\'t positive, but it is enough to have Sergeant John Winters of the Trafalgar City Police re-open the Brian Nowak investigation.
Then the inquisitive Norman digs up something else: human bones.
The child is found, dirty, terrified, weeping, but unharmed. and Constable Molly "Moonlight" Smith is cuddled by the fireplace with Adam Tocek of the RCMP when Tocek and his dog Norman are called to a wilderness camping ground to join the search for a little boy who sneaked away from his family looking for bears.
Autumn has arrived on the mountains above Trafalgar, B.
He was never seen again.
Nowak went for a walk.
Shortly after, Mr.
Moonlight joined the family for breakfast the following morning and was then picked up by her mother.
Fifteen years ago a young girl named Moonlight Smith went to her best friend Nicky Nowak\'s house for a sleepover