When you feel in the grip of anger, ask yourself these questions: -Do you feel powerless to control your temper? -Does your Anger frighten you so much that you feel compelled to suppress it? -Does your life feel unmanageable because of your anger? -Does your preoccupation with the unfairness of life and being wronged interfere with your happiness? -Do you feel hopeless about fi nding a cure for your temper? If you answer yes to these questions, you may be addicted to your anger.
The Steps provide guidance for your personal journey into your hostile moods so that you can discover your true self and release the Power within you..
He shows how the Steps offer practical wisdom to use the natural energy of your Anger wisely and well, neither suppressing nor indulging it.
Ortman guides you through the time-tested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to fi nd healing and growth.
Viewing your Anger as an addiction, Dr.
It acts like a drug that stimulates you, energizes you, and causes you to act insanely.
When you feel in the grip of anger, ask yourself these questions: -Do you feel powerless to control your temper? -Does your Anger frighten you so much that you feel compelled to suppress it? -Does your life feel unmanageable because of your anger? -Does your preoccupation with the unfairness of life and being wronged interfere with your happiness? -Do you feel hopeless about fi nding a cure for your temper? If you answer yes to these questions, you may be addicted to your anger