Autogenic Training (AT) is simple and Effective system for bringing about a deeply relaxing state of mind and body.
He has studied and completed training programs in may schools of Stress Management, Hypnotherapy, Contextual Hypnotherapy and Psycho.
He made his first serious study of hypnosis in 1978, and has continued to develop his methods and techniques over the years since.
He also ran courses in Stress Management and occasionally taught psychology.
K National Health Service (NHS) in 1999 he divided his time between teaching counselling skills and theory for a local college and building his own private practice.
After leaving the U.
About the Author: The author \'Howard Davies\' has been working with people to help reduce stress and find new direction since 1998.
This book explores and explains the methods of Autogenic Training, the author \'Howard Davies\' is an experienced Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Stress Management Coach, who uses and teaches these techniques on a daily basis.
Since the first publication of his work in 1932 his realistic and Effective methods have been taught around the world usually in medical, nursing and care environments.
Autogenic Training was developed by German Psychiatrist and Neurologist Johannes Heinrich Shultz.
The book also explores the Construction and delivery of Effective Self suggestion (auto-suggestion) further enhancing the use of AT.
This book will guide you through the six Basic exercises of AT step by step, showing you how you can \'with practice\' access your own inner resources and find peace of mind.
Its practice is safe, non religious and contradicts no healthy spiritual or personal beliefs.
Autogenic Training can be easily integrated with numerous other therapies from Hypnosis or Counselling to Mindfulness and Meditation.
In a time when finding ways to relax, let go and slow down are becoming increasingly important AT offers a fast and efficient series of exercises that can reduce the impact of Stress and frequent Anxiety.
Autogenic Training (AT) is simple and Effective system for bringing about a deeply relaxing state of mind and body