I woke up this morning and forgot which direction the sun rises from...
While she grew up in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, she currently resides in the beautiful country of New Zealand where she works as a registered nurse..
As a recent graduate from The University of Auckland with a degree in Nursing, she knows it\'s important to share the gift of laughter with those around her.
She is also fascinated by God\'s intricate design of the human body.
About author(s): CHANTELLE Grace is a witty wordsmith who loves music, art, and competitive games.
A little laughter can go a long way in accepting the inevitable with gratitude and grace.
That\'s literally everyone.
When you need to find humor in the not-somarvellous life changes, pick up Best Old Folks Jokes Ever and chuckle along with everyone else who is growing older.
Gone are the days when you can remember why you went into the kitchen, what medications you are taking for what, and whether you hurt your neck doing something amazing or you just slept funny (and it\'s not really funny because, quite honestly, you don\'t know if your neck will Ever work properly again).
Pun intended.
Aging gets old after a while.
I\'m sure it will come back to me.
I heard a funny joke about a boomerang earlier. then it dawned on me.
I woke up this morning and forgot which direction the sun rises from..