Helfman, Gene: - Gene Helfman is an animal behaviorist turned conservation biologist.
Judy Meyer, an aquatic ecologist, live on Lopez Island in Washington State.
For more on orcas, etc, visit https: //genehelfman.pubsitepro.com..
Gene and his wife, Dr.
In an effort to get the message to a larger audience and on the premise that more people read fiction than nonfiction, he has turned to writing screenplays and novels.
He spent much of his professional career underwater demonstrating that fish are smarter than conventionally thought.
With a PhD in ecology from Cornell University, Gene was on the faculty of the University of Georgia for thirty years, authoring four books on fish and marine conservation and dozens of related scientific papers.
Helfman, Gene: - Gene Helfman is an animal behaviorist turned conservation biologist