Bigu is an Ancient Taoist fasting method practiced to achieve Good health, longevity, and immortality.
In this book, you will find a description of Bigu method, the physical Fuqi exercises, the theory behind the Bigu method, the Fugu method, the effects of Bigu, the physical and mental reactions to Bigu, frequently asked questions about Bigu and Fugu, stories from people who have practiced Bigu under the guidance of the author, and information about the author..
If you wish to practice Bigu, you must find a trained Bigu teacher who can guide you through the process.
This is not a do it yourself manual.
All information in this book is for informational purposes only.
The author cannot be held responsible if people try to practice Bigu on their own.
It should not be practiced independently.
The author strongly emphasizes that Bigu is a fasting technique that must always be supervised and guided by trained Bigu teachers.
The book is based on traditional Chinese medical knowledge and Ancient Chinese cultural beliefs combined with the author\'s experience gained over a period of more than 30 years of practice.
Bigu is an Ancient Taoist fasting method practiced to achieve Good health, longevity, and immortality