This book will show you how to extract dye from wild plants, garden herbs, kitchen waste, as well as fruit and vegetables that you can buy from the supermarket.
Of course my dyeing methods can be applied to animal fibres, if you choose..
I am vegan and do not use any animal protein fibres like wool or silk.
A note on plant fibres This book focuses on dyeing cellulose fibres, such as linen, cotton, hemp and bamboo viscose/rayon. testing fabric & yarn for Colour fastness. painting patterns with iron water. using iron or rust water to darken your dyed fabric/yarn and expand your palette of colours. altering colours by changing the pH of dye. my methods for producing deep pinks from avocado skins and stones (pits/seeds). how to extract the most Colour from plants and how to achieve dark colours on cellulose fibres. choosing plants that will give promising results in the dye pot. how and why to pretreat fabric & yarn in soya milk before dyeing.
The book covers the following plus more how to produce long-lasting colours on cellulose (plant) fibres such as cotton, linen & bamboo viscose.
Perhaps you already dye with plants using conventional mordants such as alum and would like to try the more natural soya milk method for fixing colours? Maybe you are beginning your journey with plant dyeing now? Either way, there is something for you in my book.
The pages are bursting with photos of the dyeing process as well as photos of fabric and yarn samples from lots of different plants.
There is Colour potential all around us just waiting to be unlocked I share my methods with you, step-by-step.
Dye your own fabric, yarn and clothing whilst using soya milk to bind the colours.
This book will show you how to extract dye from wild plants, garden herbs, kitchen waste, as well as fruit and vegetables that you can buy from the supermarket